Friends of the Barwon affliate member, Gerangamete and Forrest Landcare Group, are holding a follow-up What's going on with our river? event in Forrest on Saturday 23 March, and you are warmly invited.
In 2022 you heard about the difficulties of managing the Upper Barwon River to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the face of dwindling flows and increasing demand for water. We thought you'd be interested to hear about the large amount of work that's been done since then on private and public land in this area to improve the health of the river under the Corangamite CMA Flagship Project. A lot more of this work is planned under the Barwon Flagship Water Management Plan, which will be launched at this event.
You will hear again from water managers, scientists and citizen science coordinators from Barwon Water and Corangamite CMA, who will focus on:
This year's event format is shorter, with just one hour for information presentations and questions in the hall, and a one-hour field trip to a site on the West Barwon River near Forrest where glyceria and willows have been removed and thousands of plants have gone in as part of the Flagship Project.
We will finish with a BBQ lunch back at the Forrest Hall and a chance for informal Q&A with CCMA and Barwon Water representatives.
Friends of the Barwon affiliate member, Gerangamete and Forrest Landcare Group, are again co-hosting this event with Corangamite CMA, Barwon Water and the Upper Barwon Landcare Network.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to others you think might be interested in finding out more about the ongoing health and management of the Upper Barwon River.
9:30am Tea/coffee available on arrival at Forrest Hall
10am Welcome to Country, info presentations from Corangamite CMA and Barwon Water, Q&A
11am Optional visit to glyceria revegetation trial site near Forrest
12pm BBQ lunch back at hall hosted by Gerangamete and Forrest Landcare Group
Please see the flyer attached for more information. RSVP for catering to Mary (0488 522 448).
Date: Wednesday 22nd February, Time: 6 - 8pm
Venue: Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre
(8 Barwon Terrace, South Geelong)
Friends of the Barwon are pleased to announce that our guest speaker for the evening will be Tracey Slatter, Managing Director, Barwon Water who will talk about the Urban Water Strategy/Water for our Future.
A light supper and tea/coffee will be served.
For catering purposes, please RSVP: