Join the Clifton Springs Curlewis Coastcare to remove weeds from the fragile coastline.
Join Clifton Springs Curlewis Coastcare and the City of Greater Geelong staff to learn about invasive weeds that affect our Coastline and assist the group to remove weeds from one of our beautiful beaches.
CoGG Environmental Officers will explain the nature of some of the weeds by and on the beach and we will remove some and saw the larger shrubs/trees. The location will be close to where the highly successful and productive session was held last month.
Meet west of Beacon Point, beach access ramp opposite 34 Edgewater Drive, Clifton Springs.
Some parking available on the grassed area during the event. Look out for signage at the top of the ramp to the beach, near the lookout platform. All welcome.
There will be a brief introduction and safety assessment at the meeting point before starting activities on the foreshore, mainly weeding by hand. If you have, bring your hand weeding fork/puller or small trowel.
Please bring the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) if you can: Hat, Sunscreen, Suitable footwear (no open shoes), Long/ longs are recommended, Gloves (we will have spares if required), Sunglasses (protective eyewear). Bring own food and drink.
The Clifton Springs Curlewis Coastcare Group and Bellarine Catchment Network (BCN), works in partnership with the City of Greater Geelong (CoGG), and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA). The group works on habitat restoration and environmental monitoring of the marine and foreshore areas and promotes the awareness of their environmental values in the community.