Bellarine and Geelong

Environmental Volunteering Calendar

Webinar - Engaging diverse groups in Environmental Volunteering

2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Register Here

Victoria has a strong history of environmental volunteering, with volunteers contributing enormously to improving our environment, our local communities and our economy.

More than 170,000 volunteers are currently volunteering for the environment and this webinar will explore resources and tools for engaging diverse groups.

The presenters will share a resource guide and training video. These explore practical ways to develop environmental volunteering that is inclusive for all people.

Guest presenters featuring in this webinar

Glenn works at Cultura Geelong and is the Project Coordinator at the Hope Community Garden. Cultura works to connect, inspire and embrace culturally diverse individuals through their programs. Glenn works in settlement support, community development, training, social inclusion and connection for multicultural communities. Glenn assisted in the development of the 'Inclusive Volunteering Guide' and will share his experience in working with Cultura and culturally diverse individuals.

Naomi is the Coastal and Education Program Leader at the Bellarine Catchment Network and a committee member of the Barwon Coast Committee of Management. She recently led the development of an inclusive volunteering guide in partnership with Cultura, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Geelong Rainbow and GenU. Naomi will share information on the 'Inclusive Volunteering Guide' and will also share a new training video that can be used by groups.

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